Genesis Earth Series

Book 1: Armageddon

Genesis Earth is a trilogy of books that document the plight of the peoples of the Earth as she faces a mighty battle of super powers rarely glimpsed by mankind. Facing complete global destruction small groups band together to fight the powers that seem to be pushing the earth toward her final destruction.

Will it be a case of too little too late? For some it will be the end of everything, they will give all they have and pass from life into death. But the battle may not be over for them, for many will find themselves rising from the sleep of death only to be pulled back into the battle to save earth and her people. There seems to be no peace in life or in death. No answers for humanity, but faith only in the things they have followed and… #ChristianFiction #Horror #Apocalyptic #Dystopian #Readers #Apple #BookLovers

Book 2: Gods and Devils

The Judgment Day is coming for the world, but before it comes there will be a time of wars, evil rulers and millions will die…

The small group is traveling trying to find others, trying to find the scope of the damage and the survivors...

A long, gray, older Lincoln sat at the curb idling, its wipers throwing great sheets of water from the windshield. The darkened side windows gleamed, reflecting back the bright glare of the station lights. Lisa, and several of the others were waving through the glass in an attempt to get the drivers attention. #ChristianFiction #Horror #Apocalyptic #Dystopian #Readers #Apple #BookLovers

Book 3: The Roads out of Eden

The conclusion of the Genesis Earth trilogy… He was sure now, that he had somehow become trapped in this dead body. Which was bad, but was not that bad. It meant that he could maybe exact a small amount of revenge on Luther. He could try at least. He wasn't completely sure it would be successful, but he wasn't convinced it wouldn't be. He had reasoned it simply enough. Luther terrified him, plain and simple, but when he had examined his fear, he had realized that Luther had never been able to touch him. Scare him, yes, threaten to hurt him, yes again, but he had never actually touched him… #ChristianFiction #Horror #Apocalyptic #Dystopian #Readers #Apple #BookLovers


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